pass a wakeful night 意味

  • 眠られぬ一夜を過ごす


        wakeful night:    眠れぬ夜
        have a wakeful night:    眠れない
        spend a wakeful night:    眠れぬ夜を過ごす
        to be wakeful:    to be wakeful 寝損なう 寝損う ねそこなう 眼が冴える めがさえる
        wakeful:    {形} : 目が覚めている、眠れない、目がさえる、寝ずに見張っている、油断のない、用心深い -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【@】ウエイクフル、【分節】wake?ful
        like ships that pass in the night:     like ships that pass in the night 短時間会っただけの人;行きずりの人びと. (?ilìke?j shíps that páss in the níght
        pass as a watch in the night:     pass as a watch in the night すぐ忘れられてしまう;つかの間に過ぎ去ってしまう. (páss as ?mlìke?n a wátch in the níght
        pass like a watch in the night:    一瞬{いっしゅん}のように過ぎ去ってしまう、すぐ忘れられてしまう
        ships that pass in the night:    行きずりの人、二度と会うことのない他人同士、1回顔を会わせた限り二度と出会わない人◆【直訳】暗闇(くらやみ)の中を行き交う船 Just then, her train slowly pulls out of the station and as her lovely smile moves away, you know that you will never see her again. Ah
        get up at night to pass urine:    夜中{よなか}に起きて排尿{はいにょう}[放尿{ほうにょう}]する
        wakeful baby:    眠らない赤ん坊
        wakeful child:    なかなか寝ない子
        wakeful state:    覚醒状態{かくせい じょうたい}
        with wakeful eyes:    油断{ゆだん}のない目をした
        a pass:    a pass 突き つき


  1. "pass a vote of (no) confidence" 意味
  2. "pass a vote of censure against sb" 意味
  3. "pass a vote of confidence" 意味
  4. "pass a vote of no confidence" 意味
  5. "pass a vote of thanks" 意味
  6. "pass across a membrane" 意味
  7. "pass across a street" 意味
  8. "pass along" 意味
  9. "pass along a channel" 意味
  10. "pass a vote of no confidence" 意味
  11. "pass a vote of thanks" 意味
  12. "pass across a membrane" 意味
  13. "pass across a street" 意味

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